Sunday, September 12, 2010

Celeb turned Designer - Victoria Beckham

Hello my fashionistas. So today I am going to be touching on celebs turned designers with a focus on one in particular Victoria Beckham. Some celebrities who turn into designers succeed and some not so much - Some of my favorites celebrities turned designer are Gwen Stefani (LAMB), Paris Hilton (I knowwww, but her shoe collection is on point) and the Kardashians (their bebe collection). But today we are going to focus on Victoria Beckham’s new clothing line.

Victoria's line is very sophisticated, simple and gives one a very clean silhouette. Her line is very exclusive in both price and quantity though (a girl can dream cant she). Her prices range from £650 to £1900, which is approximately $1,000 - $3,000, and no more than 400 dresses are produced for sale.

What I like most of all in her collection (that's if she has any input on the actual sketches and production but whoever the designer is) is that she takes into consideration the front and the back of the dresses and how it ultimately looks when photographed - with that said enjoy some of her designs below.

See how this yellow dress silhouettes the models body perfectly

So see myself and Angelina Jolie in this (heheheh)

Which ones are your favorite?


  1. All those dresses are amazing!!! Dresses 40, 39 and 24 are my favorites but very hard to narrow it down to those three!

  2. 40, 41, 21. 54, 66, and 58! I cant decide...nice collection. I cant believe you think Paris Hilton's shoe line is on point? you drink? LOL Very cheap looking crap! And you left out Jessica Simpson!!!

  3. Wow, I lovessss this collection! Loveee most of them but especially 40 41 66 67. Great job!

  4. I love the Peplum and Tulip dresses the best. Her collection is totally different and has an architectural flair.

  5. Wow you all have # 40 as one your favorites - love it.

    Queen B - yeh I did leave out jessica simpson - i love her shoes and her simple summer dresses.

    Foluso - yep the spice girl has an on point collection - Thanks

    Art of Finesse - Yes very architectural - alot of sharp straight lines and edges

  6. L-O-V-E-L-Y collection!!! hard to narrow down preferences.. love 24, 66, 41, 71, 57, 34. Gorgeous use of colors too...

  7. 40, 41- hello, you know I love Yellow. And as for 67, looks like this was ASOS' inspiration. Posh is on point with her collection. Makes me wonder skinny is 60? I mean, dang!
